Doors Doors Doors!

So a while back I found a bunch of display doors at the thrift store and I bought pretty much all of them and heck they were only a dollar a piece. So as I've said I'm trying to get all my projects done. Every September my town has a huge craft festival called the Apple and Pork Festival and this year I plan on having a booth so I need to get on these things like yesterday.. Here are a couple of the doors that I did. I made one into a hanger that you can hang your calender, pens/pencils and you memos. The other one I turned into a cute little food tray. So many things to do and it seems like so little time.. Wish me luck.


  1. great pieces! I love repurposed doors, also love the color of the tray!

  2. Ditto on that last comment! I love the one with the jar too. That is absolutely adorable!

  3. Thanks ladies. I have aout ten more that I have to find ideas for.

  4. I - LOVE - THIS!!!!!! The handles are the best addition!!! I'm pinning this and totally want to do it - especially since I have all the materials already on hand....

  5. This is why I never throw things away. You will always have a chance to reuse something. Glad you like it.

  6. Very cute stuff! I can't wait to be able to do stuff like this. Do you resell things or keep and use everything you make? (I just started looking around your blog, so i'm a bit uneducated yet)

    1. Hi, Thank you. I sell a lot of the stuff that I make. I redo a lot of furniture that I resale. I'd like to keep more but I just don't have room in my house. Lol


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